Course Prerequisites
Some courses have required prerequisites. They are shown in the quarterly class schedule under "Enrollment Requirements." You are blocked from registering in these classes until any prerequisites are satisfied.
Placement Testing ensures students meet required prerequisites in English composition and mathematics courses. Students not meeting the prerequisite are allowed to register in English composition or mathematics, or courses requiring an English or mathematics prerequisite.
How to Register For Classes
Build a Class Schedule
If you have not already, start using our class search tool to find the classes you need. Use the search fields narrow your search by location, quarter, subject, status and more.
For each class, click the four digit "Class Nbr" from the left column. More information, including the number of available seats, dates, course descriptions, etc.
Write down the "Class Nbr" for each course you would like to register for. You need these numbers when registering.
Registering Your Courses in ctcLink
Go to your ctcLink account login page. You can always find this link by using the "Student Tools" dropdown at the top of the website.
Sign in using ctcLink ID number and password.
Not sure about your login? You created it when you received your application confirmation. (Passwords include uppercase, lowercase, number, or special character.)
Click on the "Student Homepage" tab on the left-hand side. This takes you to your student Homepage portal.
To search for classes, click on the "Manage Classes" button in the top right corner.
On the "Select a Value" page, the student can see the valid term or directly select "Class Search and Enroll" on the fourth option on the left. Make sure to choose the "Spokane Falls CC" and the correct quarter.
On the "Class Search and Enroll," enter the keyword, e.g., course, subject, class, and topic on the search engine or "Additional Ways to Search" option by entering the subjects, catalog number, or Instructor Last Name.
On the "Class Search Result" page, select the desired courses (you may refine search results by class status, location, instruction mode, day, time and more on the left-side of the screen).
On the "Course Information" page, select the desired class.
Step 1: Review Class Selection > Next
Step 2: Review Class Preference, click the "Accept" button on the right side of the page.
Step 3: Enroll or Add to Cart. Chose the "Enroll" option if ready to enroll or "Add to Shopping Cart" option to enroll when you are ready to register.
Step 4: Review and Submit > Submit button. Click "yes" on the pop-up question.
If you chose the "Add to Shopping Cart" option on step 8.c and are ready to register, select the "Shopping Cart" on the left sidebar, select the desired class and click the "enroll" button (the green button on the top right corner). The pop-up question will appear to make sure you want to enroll. The confirmation page will display.
Congratulations! You have now enrolled in classes at Spokane Falls Community College!