Degree Requirement Term Change Form
Add/Drop Form Spokane Colleges 40-164 PDF | Word | Online Version - Only use this form for auditing a class, including the senior waiver. Enrollment requests after the 2nd day of the quarter must go through the late enrollment form.
Academic Standing Appeal: appeals for Spring 2025 academic standing suspensions are due by Monday, March 31 at 11:59 p.m.
Enrollment Verification Request Form
Honors Course Petition Enrollment
FERPA authorization to release information from student education records Spokane Colleges 40-200 (allows signature and submit - SFCC ONLY)
Grade Forgiveness Form Spokane Colleges 40-225
Petition for enrollment in a course in excess of two attempts 4524
Prior Learning Assessment Form Spokane Colleges 8425
Prerequisite Request Form
Program of Study Change Request Form — current and returning SFCC students, see your advisor and use this form to change your Program of Study.
Third Attempt Enrollment Request
Request for non-disclosure of directory information (allows signature and submission)
Request for official transcript exchange Spokane Colleges 40-343 (allows signature and submission)
Student grade change request form Spokane Colleges 40-338 PDF | Word
Quick admit application form Spokane Colleges 40-212 PDF | Word | Online Version
Tuition Waiver Form, Spokane Colleges Employees Spokane Colleges 40-130
Tuition Waiver Form, Washington State Employee/Public Higher Education Employees Spokane Colleges 4093
Underage Admissions Requirements Spokane Colleges 40-221
Complete the following forms ONLY if they have been requested by the Financial Aid Department. Check your ctcLink Student Service Center To Do list for requested forms.