Good Samaritan Law
In WA State, anyone trying to help in a medical emergency is generally protected from civil liabilities by RCW 4.24.300. WA State’s 911 Good Samaritan Overdose Law RCW 69.50.315 gives additional, specific protections against drug possession charges:
- If you seek medical assistance in a drug-related overdose, you cannot be prosecuted for drug possession.
- The overdose victim is also protected from drug possession charges.
- Anyone in WA State who might have or witness an opioid overdose is allowed to carry and administer naloxone. (RCW 69.41.095)
Fentanyl test strips are also available to students. These are small strips of paper that can detect the presence of fentanyl in different kinds of drugs and drug forms such as pills, powder, and injectables.
In compliance with HB 2112, Spokane Falls Community College provides naloxone (Narcan®) and fentanyl test strips free of charge. Students can obtain these items in the student Resource Cupboards located in various location across campus. Find locations of Resource Cupboards Narcan® is also available in the Associated Student Government (ASG) office located in SFCC Student Union Building (SUB) Bldg. 17, room 135
Narcan and fentanyl test strips will be provided with no questions asked.