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Grant Funding is Available

On behalf of the Office of WorkForce Transitions, all students encouraged to apply! We offer hundreds of students free and reduced tuition/fees and books. WorkForce grants may be available in absence of or in addition to regular Financial Aid. Avoid loans and apply now!

WorkForce General Application—Apply once for BFET, OG, WRT and WorkFirst!

Support for students experiencing or at risk of homelessness – apply for SSEH!


The Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) program offers educational and workforce training opportunities to students receiving Basic Food Assistance (food stamps).

Students who qualify may be eligible for:

  • Establishing and/or maintaining eligibility for food stamps while attending school.

  • Assistance with tuition and/or required course materials, as needed.

  • Support for DCYF Child Care Subsidy Program.

  • Wrap-around funds for transportation and childcare may be available.

  • Referral to on-campus and off-campus resources.

To be eligible, you must:

  • You are currently receiving or are eligible to receive food stamps.

  • You are not currently receiving TANF.

  • You are in or plan on pursuing a professional/technical AAS degree or related certificate.

Apply for Basic Food Assistance through Washington Connection.

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

Spokane Falls Community College is an equal opportunity institution. Visit the USDA site for complete information or to file a BFET program discrimination complaint.

Opportunity Grant

The Opportunity Grant is a state program helping low-income students in Washington access to education and training to enter high-wage, high-demand jobs. 

Students who qualify may be eligible for:

  • 45 credits of funding within one, 3-year period; may apply toward tuition expenses, then refund directly to the student; funds are first come, first serve, and based on availability of funding.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be a Washington state resident as defined by law.

  • ​Have an income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. See the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines.

  • Maintain a 2.0 grade point average and meet SFCC's Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.

  • Have never received Opportunity Grant at another school, or SFCC prior to 3 years ago.

  • Have available unmet need in Financial Aid budget (wait to accept loans!)

  • Enrolled in one of the following professionl/technical programs (no transfers:

    • Early Childhood Education

    • Information Technology

    • Hearing Instrument Specialist

    • Addiction Studies

    • Integrated Community Services

    • Occupational Therapist Assistant

    • Physical Therapist Assistant

Learn more at the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.


Passport to College

The Passport to College program supports former foster and unaccompanied homeless youth, ages 18-26.

Students who qualify may be eligible for:

  • A quarterly scholarship of $1,666 for 15 quarters or through age 26; may be used for tuition or other living expenses.

  • Priority consideration for others grants and work study programs.

  • Access to private student lounge, food, school supplies, success coach and emergency funding requests.

To be eligible, students must:

  • Have been verified by Financial Aid as having been in foster care for any time after age 13, or

  • Having experienced homelessness without a guardian before age 21, as defined by McKinney-Vento Act

  • Must have enrolled in college prior to age 22 and have not yet turned 26.

  • Be enrolled in more than 6 credits in any degree, except theology.

  • Maintain good academic standing per SFCC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.

Find out more at


Worker Retraining

Worker Retraining is a state program designed to help unemployed workers retrain for a job in a new field. It is in partnership with the Washington State Employment Security Department. 

Students who qualify may be eligible for:

  • "Jump Start" funding.

  • Tuition and book funding, as needed and as available.

  • Assistance with the Employment Security CAT/TB application to attend school while collecting unemployment.

  • Students receiving unemployment insurance (UI) or who’s UI has ended within the last 48 months may qualify for “finishing” funds.

To be eligible, students must:

  • You have Washington State residency, or your displaced activity occurred in Washington State.

  • You are currently receiving unemployment benefits.

  • You have exhausted unemployment benefits within the past 48 months.

  • Are temporarily employed in a position of lesser stature than that of your position prior to a lay-off.

  • You are a displaced homemaker (someone formerly supported by a spouse or significant other and longer receives that support) and are unemployed or under-employed.

  • Your employer is requiring retraining to retain your position (Early Childhood Education, Addiction Studies).

  • You were formerly self-employed and are no longer due to economic conditions.

  • You are a veteran separated within the last 48 months from the armed forces.

  • You are enrolled in any professional/technical degree or related certificate, including BAS degrees.



WorkFirst supports students receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and fulfills the participation requirement to maintain your cash benefits from DSHS.

Students who qualify may be eligible for:

  • Tuition and books, as needed and as funds are available.

  • Support for DCYF’s Child Care Subsidy Program.

  • Student Support Funding Requests up to $5000 in qualified areas of need.

To be eligible, students must:

  • Be a parent who receives TANF.

  • Participate in the WorkFirst program.

  • Enroll in any professional/technical AAS degree or related certificate.

Apply for TANF through Washington Connection. If you are already receiving TANF, contact your caseworker to find out more about WorkFirst.


Emergency Grants

Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH)

SSEH is for any actively enrolled student experiencing homelessness or at immediate risk of homelessness, as defined by McKinney Vento Act.

Students who qualify may be eligible for:

  • One-time Deposit Assistance, Eviction Prevention & Crisis Mitigation funding as funds are available​

  • Laundry services​

  • Access to Shower & Personal Hygiene ​

  • Referrals to community housing support providers​

To be eligible, students must:

  • Be actively enrolled in the current quarter​ and have successfully completed at least one quarter in any program of study

  • Maintain good academic standing with Financial Aid, per SFCC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy​

  • Attest to and document housing status & housing needs​

  • ​Complete the special SSEH application

Funds are limited, so WorkForce asks you apply, but continue to explore other resources. We have compiled a list of college and community resources that may be able to address barriers:

General resources

Resource Center of Spokane County (RCSC) has a goal to help the underserved members of our community achieve economic empowerment by increasing access to opportunities and restoring hope. This is done by providing access to a wide variety of agencies offering a diverse number of services, including housing, training, healthcare, and justice-involved services among others. Learn more about the Resource Center of Spokane County.

2-1-1 connects callers, at no cost, to critical health and human services in their community. If you are unable to find a service, please dial 2-1-1 for assistance. If you are outside of Washington State or having a problem using the 2-1-1 number, please call 1-877-211-9274.

Community Colleges of Spokane Foundation has the mission to support students. Each January applications for over 100 scholarships open with a select number becoming available again in August. There are also some limited emergency funds available through the CCS Foundation. Learn more about Community Colleges of Spokane Foundation.

If you are in need of food assistance

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, called Basic Food in Washington, helps people with low incomes make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food. You can check if you are eligible for Basic Food and apply at If you are receiving Basic Food, you may also qualify for BFET.

For our students to succeed, we realize basic needs must first be met. SFCC’s Skitch’s Pantry is here to assist students who need food and hygiene assistance, free of charge. Learn more about Skitch’s Pantry


The SFCC Library offers loaner laptops, hotspots, and other essential technology for SFCC students. If you are a WorkFirst or BFET student, let the Library Circulation know! Learn more about Library Services.


WorkForce Transitions

Location: Building 17 Room 201
3410 W. Whistalks Way | Spokane, WA 99224 | MS 3020

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