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Career Education, Exploration & Development Tools


Career Coach: Identify career matches based on your personality traits and learn about current, local
data on wages, employment, job postings and related training programs at our colleges.

Career One Stop: Tools to explore careers and salaries, search for jobs, review resume examples, interview tips and more.

O*NET Online: A to Z listing of all occupations, including salaries and job requirements.

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Browse information about hundreds of occupations, including average pay, job outlook and career specific information.

WorkSource: Receive personalized employment assistance and training services online and in-person, from state, local and non-profit agencies.

Washington Employment Security Department: Learn about benefits and special training programs for unemployed job seekers.

Job Board


Spokane Falls Community College uses College Central Network® as its official resume and job posting service. The exclusive site can be accessed 24/7 at Central Network logo

Current Students are pre-registered and should use their Bigfoot Email when activating their account.

  • Quickly apply to jobs and internship opportunities posted exclusively for you and search other opportunities via Jobs Central® national job board
  • Create and upload your resume and career portfolio to make available to employers.
  • Access our events calendar, plus career/job search advice documents, podcasts, videos and more.
  • Make an appointment to meet with a staff member.
  • Employers search for talented students and alumni and post unlimited jobs for free.

Student Employment Program


The Student Employment Program provides the opportunity for students to earn money while gaining work experience. It can provide some regular monthly income to help offset educational expenses and reduce loan debt. Students gain valuable job experience and evaluate their career goals. Work study is not a grant; you must work to earn it.

If you have not yet been offered Federal or State Work Study and would like to be placed on the Work Study Waitlist, click above. Work Study is offered to eligible students on a first-come, first-served basis. A FAFSA or WASFA on file is required.

Learn more on the Student Employment Page!

CCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, nation-al origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation or age in its programs, activities or employment. Direct all inquiries regarding equal opportunity compliance and/or grievances to chief strategy and administration officer, CCS, 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., P.O. Box 6000, MS1004, Spokane, Wash. 99217-6000 or call 509-434-5037. Direct all inquiries or grievances regarding access and Title IX to the chief compliance officer, 2917 W. Whistalks Way.

Academic Credit for Prior Learning


Academic Credit for Prior Learning (ACPL) helps you gain college credit through evaluation of life experiences. Because each student has their own life experiences, all assessments for Academic Credit for Prior Learning are evaluated individually to ensure a student's specialties aren’t compared to other students' experiences. If you have any questions, contact the Career Education Program Coordinator, or learn more on the ACPL Page!

For Employers


For General Employment:


Spokane Falls Community College’s Career Education is powered by College Central Network, the nation’s largest network of entry-level job seekers. Together, we help you reach and hire entry-level talent that meets your company’s needs.

Register today! It’s fast and easy. Once approved by Career Education, you can post jobs to Spokane Falls Community College for FREE! The exclusive site can be accessed 24/7 at

  • Target your jobs to our school’s exclusive online job board.
  • Review resumes.
  • Search, identify, and connect with qualified candidates who match your specific hiring criteria.
  • View career portfolios that showcase our job seeker’s achievements and credentials.
  • Attend our school’s career events.
  • And more!

Need help troubleshooting? Contact us!


For Student Employment:


The SFCC Student Employment Program provides the opportunity for students to earn money while gaining work experience on and off campus. Student employment is meant to be a productive experience for everyone involved: the student, the employer, and the community.


Services for Off-Campus, Work Study Employers


Federal and State Work Study is available to financial aid-eligible students. Employers participating in the State or Federal Work Study programs may be partially reimbursed for qualifying student wages. Learn what it means to become a Work Study employer and Request a Work Study Contract today!


Services for On-Campus Supervisors


Student wages may be paid through State and Federal Work Study (financial aid/waitlist), or Institutional Work Study (departmental specific funds). Supervisors interested in hiring student employees must attend Supervisor training, annually. It is offered once a month, or upon request if 3 or more staff will be in attendance. To register for an upcoming training email the Career Education office at

Alternative Funding & Resources


WorkForce Transitions: see if you qualify for specially funded grants, available in addition to, or in absence of regular financial aid. May support students retraining and entering high-wage, high-demand pathways.

Washington Innovative Opportunity Act (WIOA): The WIOA program provides a range of career services, training services, and job placement assistance. May apply at any WorkSource center.

CCS Foundation: has over 100 scholarships that open each January, as well as others that open for applications in the summer. We also have several department and outside scholarship opportunities that we share with you via our Scholarship Index! You can organize the Index by type of scholarship you'd like to apply for and by open date.