Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Are you looking for help just to get through the week?
The Student Health Clinic has a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, who comes in once a week by appointment. She provides both mental health counseling, as well as medication management as needed.
If you are an SCC student and would like to make an appointment, call the Clinic at 509-533-8611, or come in and talk with anyone on our health care team. If you are an SFCC student, please complete a Personal Counseling Support Form.
About Mental Health Therapy
Various therapeutic approaches can be used for mental health therapy. The course of treatment includes: individual, group, marriage, couple and family counseling. Therapists will outline goals with you and follow them to facilitate a positive outcome within ten sessions. Goal progress is reviewed and updated as needed, to successfully accomplish positive change. If you feel you need additional sessions, appropriate referrals will be made to clinicians in the community.
All sessions are held in strict confidence, and no information can be released about you without your written permission. Washington State Law provides the following exceptions to confidentiality:
When a client poses a clear and present danger to self, or to others, or is unable to provide minimal life-sustaining self-care;
When a client reveals contemplation of a major crime against another person, or harmful act;
When the counselor receives a court order to share information with a judge; or
If the counselor has a reasonable suspicion that a person, under the age of 18 or a dependent adult (aged or developmentally delayed), is, or has been, physically or sexually abused, or neglected. This report must occur within 48 hours of the counselor receiving such information.