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Financial Aid Refund Process

Financial aid funds will be automatically applied to your tuition when you register for classes each quarter. Students are responsible for paying any remaining balances by the payment due date each quarter. Visit paying your tuition for more details. Remaining financial aid funds will come back as a refund disbursement.


Disbursement Dates, Tuition Deadlines and Receiving Funds

Financial Aid Disbursements

  • July 1, 2025 – Summer Quarter 2025 
  • September 17, 2025 – Fall Quarter 2025
  • January 5, 2026 – Winter Quarter 2026
  • April 6, 2026 – Spring Quarter 2026

Tuition Deadlines

Please note: If you have a financial aid award, your classes are held from being dropped until after the financial aid disbursement dates above. Look for a Tuition Due Date Extension on your ctcLink Homepage.


Requirements for receiving funds

When you receive funds, you are certifying that:

  • You are attending, or will attend, all your classes.

  • If you drop courses to a lower enrollment level or do not commence attendance in all classes after the disbursement is sent to BMTX, Inc., and before the census date (10th day of term fall, winter, spring, and 8th day summer term) you the student will be responsible to repay the amount owed based on that change in enrollment level. The money owed back is a Pell Grant overpayment. Students that do not pay back the overpayment are not eligible for future financial aid.

  • If at the end of the quarter, you have not completed the required credits based on the level of financial aid you received you may owe a repayment. In addition, you may be placed on financial aid warning or suspension.

Getting Your Refund

Community Colleges of Spokane deliver your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit their How it Works page.

To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, visit Community Colleges of Spokane Client Contracts & Profile page (

Note: If a refund preference has not been selected, the college will mail a check to the student's primary address on file within fourteen calendar days.