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Welcome to Disability Access Services (DAS) at SFCC!

We help hundreds of students with a range of disabilities. Our staff make sure students have equal access to SFCC programs, equipment, and activities. 

How do I get help from DAS?

  1. Register and enroll in classes at SFCC.
  2. Complete the DAS application at any point in the quarter. The earlier the better.
    • Contact us if you need assistance. We are happy to help. 
  3. Submit documentation of your disability.
    • Do not stress if you do not have documentation yet. DAS will still work with you.
    • Attach your documentation to the application or email it later.
    • Documentation may include:
      • IEP/504 plan
      • Psychological assessment
      • Disability determination letter (VA, Social Security)
      • Letter from a provider
      • My Chart or other online records portal
  4. Complete an intake appointment with DAS. Talk with someone about your needs and accommodations that may be helpful.

Who is eligible?

Any student with a disability that makes school harder.

Some examples of disabilities include:

  • Learning Disabilities
  • Mental Health Diagnosis
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Blindness/vision loss
  • Deaf/hard of hearing
  • Physical/mobility conditions
  • Chronic health conditions
  • Temporary Conditions (ex: broken bone, acute illness, concussion, surgery).
  • Pregnancy- DAS works with the Title IX Coordinator to provide pregnancy-related accommodations.

If you are unsure, please just ask us.

What does Disability Access Services do?

DAS works with students in any program to provide accommodations and support. These may include:

  • Testing accommodations
  • Alternative formats for class materials and textbooks
  • Ergonomic furniture
  • Assistive/adaptive technology
  • ASL interpreters
  • Priority Registration

ADA Compliance

The Community Colleges of Spokane complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and other relevant state and federal laws in providing services and accommodations to students with disabilities.