About the Club
The Red Nations Student Association was formed in 1996. Its mission is to focus on Native American culture and beliefs. The Red Nations Student Association meets every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. in the Multicultural room, Bldg. 17, room 13, and our meetings and activities are open to all students. We the Red Nations Student Association are committed to fulfilling the mission of our ancestors:
- To carry on and learn about our traditional ways of life, we would like
- to teach others about Native culture
- to keep it as strong as the river.
A sampling of events we have done and plan to continue:
- Monthly Indian taco sales.
- We traveled to Portland for a leadership conference.
- In spring of 2006 active members were invited to attend the Students of Color conference in Seattle.
- Our largest event is the Pow Wow which is held in the spring. Our Pow Wow is the third largest in Washington state.
Drummers and dancers come from all over the Northwest to participate and celebrate our culture. On this day, we have a community meal which we share with all those attending the Pow Wow.