Gabriel Valenzuela
Spanish Club facebook
The purposes of the Spanish Club are:
- To build a strong and thriving Spanish Club at Spokane Falls Community College.
- To promote knowledge of the cultures and traditions of Spanish-speaking peoples.
- To assist students at Spokane Falls Community College in the learning of the Spanish language.
- To participate in activities within the surrounding communities that are related to the cultures and traditions of Spanish-speaking peoples.
- To host events and activities that assist students to learn more about the cultures of the Spanish-speaking peoples and issues that relate to them.
These shall be accomplished through various activities including, but not limited to: film showings; the celebration holidays of Spanish-speaking peoples; Spanish conversation group; participation and support of the Intercultural Week celebration; sponsoring of guest speakers and/or performers, sponsoring of events related music, dance, and food of Spanish-speaking peoples. Spanish Club meetings and all our activities are open to all.