Dear SCC and SFCC students,
First, we want to thank you for your perseverance and resilient spirit in these uncertain times. We’ve seen our community of students, faculty and staff come together to look after one another.
Today, we are announcing our path moving forward.
Stay Home Stay Healthy – In response to the Governor’s Stay Home Stay Healthy order last night for Washington State, we want to let you know how CCS will be operating during this 2-week period when the Governor has ordered everyone to stay home to the greatest extent possible.
We fully support the statewide effort to reduce and slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the unprecedented actions we all are being asked to take to safeguard the public health. Find out more at the state’s dedicated webpage. And our CCS dedicated webpage.
Please do not come to campus until further notice. We are working from off-campus locations serving you as we prepare for Spring Quarter. Continue to call us and email us and we will respond to you.
Changes to Spring Quarter Instruction
We have changed the first day of Spring Quarter to Monday, April 13.
When Spring Quarter begins on April 13, the online and alternative instruction that began at the end of Winter Quarter will continue throughout the entirety of Spring Quarter.
In some special circumstances such as allied health, labs and career technical programs, students will still meet in person, strictly following social distancing measures and sanitization measures following all health directives from state and federal officials. We will be providing high quality instruction and training in these alternative ways. You can expect to hear more from your instructors. We are dedicated to doing our part to protect the health of our community.
We believe this decision will remove uncertainty you might have about Spring Quarter and will allow us all to focus on preparing for the quarter. This also ensures we will continue to meet protective health measures and keep our campus community safe.
New Resources Available
We are putting together tools to help those of you who are new to online learning to help you be successful. Here are some resources now for SCC and SFCC students.
Some of our on-campus computer labs may be open during Spring Quarter with safe distances so that students can access technology to participate in online instruction. We are gathering resources to help you adapt to this change successfully and will be sharing information about them regularly through our website, Canvas and email. Our Community Colleges of Spokane Foundation allocated $30,000 to support students affected by COVID-19 to help students purchase computers.
While this certainly means a big shift in how instruction is delivered, this decision will not impact financial aid disbursement by April 8 for most students, nor it will impact your graduation date.
We expect you’ll have questions, which is why we created a Coronavirus Updates webpage, which is updated frequently. There you’ll find a running list of student services, including hours and methods of contact, in addition to previous communication and frequently asked questions.
Again, we can’t thank you enough for weathering the storm with us. We will use the next three weeks to prepare so that we can continue to offer you the same world-class education you’ve come to expect. Only, a little more remote than you’re used to.
Check Canvas and email for future communication and announcements in the coming days and weeks.
And don’t forget to take pride in yourself – you’ve made it this far in your educational journey. Some of you are a quarter away from graduation, while others are just beginning. Together, we’ll make it through this.
Know that we care about you!
Christine Johnson, PhD
Chancellor of Community Colleges of Spokane
Kevin Brockbank, EdD
President of Spokane Community College
Kimberlee Messina, EdD
President of Spokane Falls Community College