Many of you have been asking about SCC and SFCC graduation plans for this spring. Graduation is a very important celebration and a recognition of your hard work in achieving your goals. Many spring events across the country are uncertain while we have limitations on large public gatherings to protect people from the spread of COVID-19.
Because we want to protect people’s health AND celebrate your achievements, we have decided to move our graduation celebration until late this summer. We still are working to find the right date and we will keep you informed when we know more. We are very sorry that we can’t have our regular June celebration and we know that will be disappointing to some of you. We truly hope you can still take part in the late-summer celebration.
At this time our plan is to combine our SCC and SFCC graduations so that we can fully celebrate your achievements. We will be dedicated to making sure our ceremony honors all of you. If in late summer restrictions still are in place for large gatherings, we will re-evaluate our plans and share them with you. Please be on the lookout for future information when we secure our date in the Spokane Arena.
And in the meantime, know that we celebrate your grit and determination every single day. You are the reason we are part of SCC and SFCC.
Stay safe and be well!
5/8/2020 10:36:50 AM
Carolyn Casey - Chief Institutional Advancement and External Affairs Officer